Ben Cauchi – The Waters of Lethe Untitled (1), 2015, wet collodion on glass, 36 x 28cm Untitled (2), 2015, wet collodion on glass, 36 x 28cm Untitled (3), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 52 x 41cm Untitled (4), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 36 x 28cm Untitled (5), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 43 x 26cm Untitled (6), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 52 x 41cm Untitled (7), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 52 x 41cm Untitled (8), 2016, wet collodion on glass, 36 x 28cm