Barry Cleavin – Mitigating Factors – 15th November – 6th December 2019
The dog barks but the caravan moves on, 2019, digital printThe rich man has his horse ridden to death for him, 2019, digital printHoly, 2019 digital printNo water under the bridge, 2019, digital printThe Oncology Suite number 6, 2019, woodcutThe Oncology Suite number 5, 2019, woodcutThe Oncology Suite number 3, 2019, woodcutOncology, the beginning and end, 2019, woodcut printWinter, 2019, digital printA Frivolity of Clouds, 2019, digital printOffering a drowned dog a glass of water, 2019, digital printHereweka from the Portobello Cemetry.New Years Day. 2019, digital print